14 Things Only Beagle Owners Will Understand

#1 It’s mine! Why are you angry with me, human?

#2 So sweet!!! You can forgive anything for this!

#3 No way! You are not allowed to have your breakfast without me, mom!

#4 When you go to bed and see that someone has already taken your place instead of you.

#5 When you come home and see the chair cushion torn…who could that possibly be?!

#6 Beagles are always serious when it comes to food.

#7 Well, they steal food.

#8 When your dog realizes you gave him not a cookie. Capture this!

#9 They consider you as their property.

#10 They must steal anything!

#11 They are soooo cute when sleeping.

#12 When you dare to disturb them.

#13 They must control everything you do.

#14 Puddles are their passion.

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